Of 100,000 People

Broadcasting to this audience for rare treatments can be very inefficient.  For many PD related therapies only 20 of 10,000  people will be appropriate candidates when advertising through traditional media like television. When Research Catalyst broadcasts through Social Media, 3,500 of the 10,000 are likely appropriate candidates. When candidates are chosen from the the database 8,500 of 10,000 are appropriate.

Choose to drive down overall marketing costs, increase the number of impressions the target audience receives, and increase the quality of communication with PD patients and their loved ones that are experiencing Parkinson’s Disease related symptoms.

Search Based


Search Based Advertising

This method requires the patient to come to you by searching for a keyword. This is useful but very limiting.

Profile Based


Social Media

Targets profiles, not keywords. You go to the patients to deliver the message opposed to waiting for them to ask the question.

47,600,000 Facebook users over the age of 55 in the US as of January 2018

Approximately 92,800,000 people in the US are over the age of 55


Focused Treatment Education for Highly Suitable Candidates

Cohort Phenotyping

Research Catalyst works with clients to determine the appropriate attributes of high-quality candidate for the sponsored treatment. This is very similar to the inclusion/ exclusion criteria that we work with every day in clinical trials. Advocacy resources, mailers, email communication, and online advertising can be delivered to this audience. Below is an example of an advanced Parkinson’s cohort experiencing akinesia.
  • Are you interested in learning more about clinical trials and treatment options that might be available to the patient based on your answers to this questionnaire? (Yes)
  • The patient has been diagnosed with: (Parkinson’s disease)
  • How many years ago was the patient diagnosed: (4 or more years)
  • The patient/caregiver agrees to the site policy and privacy agreement. (Yes)
  • Can the patient tell when the levodopa/carbidopa wears off? (Yes)
  • Does OFF time interfere with day to day activities or quality of life? (Yes)
  • Is OFF time a problem for the patient? (Yes)
  • How many times/day is the patient taking Sinemet or Rytary? (Sinemet 4 times or more / Rytary 3 or more times / Both Rytary and Sinemet)
  • The patient is taking or has taken and stopped at least 2 of the following adjunct medications: MAO-B Inhibitors, Dopamine Agonists, COMT Inhibitors, Amantadine/Gocovri: (Yes)
  • Is the patient using or has the patient previously used the sponsored treatment? (No)

Communication Capabilities

  • Direct to Patient Communication–  Educating highly specific groups of people with movement disorders on a grand scale is what Research Catalyst does best. The Parkinson’s Community Advocacy Team calls qualified candidates and educates about the potential benefits and risks of the sponsored treatment in a fair and balanced manner that is approved in advanced by the sponsors MLR team.

  • Facilitating Appointments with Regional Neurologists– Each candidate is likey a suitable candidate for the sponsored treatment so Parkinson’s Community Advocates provide continuous support to schedule interested candidates with a local neurologist to discuss the appropriateness of the sponsored treatment.

  • Warm Transfer to Sponsors Resources- Choose to connect appropriate and interested candidates with already established resources such as nurse educators and patient ambassadors through a telephone warm transfer or scheduled appointment following the Parkinson’s Community Advocacy call.

  • Mailer’s & Emailers- Research Catalyst can deliver emails and physical mail with branded and/or unbranded content to interested and qualifying candidates on a defined schedule. It is recommended to initially send disease state and treatment overview and then to follow through with more specific content, such as a doctor discussion guide, to candidates that are scheduled with their doctor to talk about the sponsored treatment through the Parkinson’s Community Advocacy Center.

Candidate Experience Cycle

Identify, Educate and Facilitate Appropriate Patients

Advocacy Works

Parkinson’s Community Advocates historically reach 72% of high-quality candidates by phone within 30 days and over 50% of them immediately request to discuss the sponsored treatment with a nurse or other patient.
  • One on One Education about Sponsored Treatment
  • Education About Support Groups and Exercise Programs
  • Summary of Investigational and Approved Treatment Options
  • Opportunity to Connect with Sponsor’s Resources
  • Assistance to Identify Local Neurologists and Movement Disorders Specialists
Research Catalyst’s Parkinson’s Community Advocates  educate qualifying candidates broadly and about the sponsored treatment. In addition, they support the scheduling process with the candidates neurologist to determine suitability.
100% Qualified Candidates
80% Phone Contact Rate Within 45 Days
+50% Take Desired Action

Experience building compliant and effective online tools.

Educate patients online about treatment options and disease state awareness through compliant targeted social campaigns, patient support groups, and interactive educational materials.

40K Webpage Views Monthly

The Parkinson’s Community website collect information from PD patient’s and based on their answers, provides customized education about treatments and research opportunities.

12K Detailed PD Profiles

Members provide answers to over 100 PD related questions and often share their medical records as well to advance science and to find treatments appropriate for their consideration.

15K Group Members

The largest closed Support Group for PD on Facebook allows patients to actively support one another in this online forum only for PD patients and their loved ones.

800K Monthly Impressions

Delivering Disease State Awareness & Branded Education to the right people at the right time.

Parkinson’s Community Website

One of the most sophisticated advocacy and recruitment websites online.

  • Comprehensive Educational Resource

  • IRB Approved Material

  • Responsive Design (mobile friendly)

  • HIPAA Compliant Security

  • Smart Algorithmic Screening

  • Advanced Analytics

Exceptional | Compelling | Reliable